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    Archive for May, 2017

    Xbench 3.0 build 1401 adds support for memoQ 8.1

    We’re happy to announce that Xbench 3.0 build 1401 adds support for memoQ 8.1.

    With this update, the Xbench 3.0 integration with memoQ 8.1 will have all functionality illustrated in this video.

    We hope you enjoy the update!

    Xbench 3.0 build 1400 adds segment positioning for Poedit

    We are pleased to announce that Xbench 3.0 build 1400 has been released!

    The new build adds segment positioning support for Poedit 2.0.2 or later.

    Now, if you have Poedit 2.0.2 associated with the .po file extension, when you choose Edit Source in Xbench Poedit will open right at the offending segment selected so that you can edit it and fix it.

    You can download Xbench 3.0 build 1400 from our Download page.

    If you run into any issues or have any suggestion, please contact us.

    Demo video for integration with Google Translator Toolkit (GTT)

    We are happy to announce that we have just added a video on our YouTube Channel showing the ApSIC Xbench 3.0 integration with Google Translator Toolkit (GTT).

    You can watch the video here.

    We hope you like it!