Beta Xbench Connector for Memsource – Build 6 Released
Posted: June 4th, 2015 under ApSIC Xbench.
We’re happy to announce that we’ve just released build 6 for Xbench Connector for Memsource. You can download it now from here.
The main new features in this new beta build of the Xbench Connector for Memsource are the following:
- If the Memsource project has termbases attached, the Run QA in Xbench will allow you to include also these termbases as a reference in your QA (this is exactly how it is done in the Xbench plugin for Studio).
- If the Memsource project has workflow steps defined, you can compare files from two workflow steps. It is useful for auditing/assessing the work of a reviewer or to create a report of changes for feedback to translator. The Comparison Report is the same obtained with ApSIC Comparator if you are familiar with it (a bilingual table of changes with tracked changes)
We hope you enjoy these new features in the Xbench Connector form Memsource. As usual, if you have any suggestion or bug to report, please do not hesitate to contact us.