Polish Translation of the ApSIC Xbench 3.0 User’s Guide Available!
Posted: June 17th, 2014 under ApSIC Xbench.
We’re happy to announce the availability of the Polish version of the ApSIC Xbench 3.0 User’s Guide. The translation has been carried out by Polish translator and trainer Michał Tosza, who back in 2010 also carried out the translation of ApSIC Xbench 2.8 User’s Guide, the first translation ever of an ApSIC Xbench User’s guide.
We at ApSIC are greatly thankful of Michał’s continued efforts to keep the Polish user’s guide up to date for the Polish community of ApSIC Xbench users.
The Polish user’s guide joins the French, German, and Spanish translations of the ApSIC Xbench 3.0 User’s Guide and can be downloaded from the Documentation page at www.xbench.net.