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    Xbench Workshop by Jarosław Hirny at Translation and Localization Conference in Warsaw, March 23-24

    Over the last few years, our perception has been that Poland seems to have a special connection with Xbench. Some facts:

    • The first community translation of Xbench User’s Guide was into Polish, by Michał Tosza and Małgorzata Pietsch.
    • Poland is consistently among the Top 5 countries in terms of visitors for our website.
    • Some unbelieveably well documented, ready-to-fix bug reports have come from Polish users.
    • The first order of Xbench 3.0 was placed by a Polish translator based in Denmark, just a couple hours after our new www.xbench.net site went live.

    So it was not a big surprise when localize.pl, one of the the organizers of the Translation and Localization Conference that will take place on 23-24 March in Warsaw, told us that next conference will feature an workshop on Quality Assurance with Xbench by Polish trainer and translator Jarosław Hirny.

    From these lines, we would like to give a big thanks to the Polish community of Xbench users, for all the help and support we received from them over all these years, and we look forward to keeping this special connection for years to come!