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    Xbench 3.0 to be released on March 18!

    The Xbench 3.0 beta is coming to an end, and we are happy to share with you that we have just set the launch date: March 18.

    We’re pretty happy with the progress achieved over these 3 months, and most of all we are very thankful to beta testers for their useful contributions.

    We’ll be still spending the next few days polishing things a little bit more, and we cross our fingers so that the upcoming official launch is as successful as the beta has proven to be.

    For all those of you who already purchased Xbench subscription years, we encourage you to define your authorized users and delegates with the Control Panel. As we will reach end of beta, your purchased time will start counting on March 19 at 00:00 CET.

    Important: Please remember that March 18 will also be the last day fo the €79/year promotion, a 20% off on the regular price of €99/year. If you wish to benefit from this BETA promotion discount simply make your pre-order today.